Karl-Henrick Robert is one of the founders of the Natural Step Framework; although, as he makes clear in the first minutes of the video, it is a continually evolving framework that many people are contributing to continually.
I completely agreed with one of his early comments, i.e. "What the world needs more than anything today, are proactive role models showing the way", because I believe we are all simply creatures of habit and doing new things is a very scary thing that can only be made less-scary by seeing someone else do it first. Also, as I learned from Sam Harris's talk on free will, it seems that with all of our different thinking patterns that have arisen due to our unique backgrounds, the process of learning and realisation (and consequently our actions) is different for all of us, so the simplest thing to do to get everyone on the same page is to continually expose others and demonstrate to them the preferred ways (then, at different times, gradually, as it seems rational to them to do the same, the new way may catch on and new habits will form).
Karl-Henrick explains that he sought for a system that could define sustainability in principles based on universal values, so it could be used in the huge multitude of different circumstances that we need to transform, and better still, as a tool for creating a common language so that different groups can talk to one another and cooperate for progress. Considering I love this topic, I'm eternally grateful that he and others have dedicated their time to make it easier for newbies like me. He gives a good overview of the Natural Step Framework that I am trying to learn. I found him a really compelling speaker...with a european-speaking-english charm... enjoy.
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