
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Education Revolution

I watched Sir Ken Robinson's talks sometime last year, but I have not yet read his book The Element.  Looking back on my own education, I bet I would have thrived in a much more balanced way if his thinking formed the basis of the system.  I sure hope for the sake of all the bored but well intentioned kids everywhere that his beliefs break through to mainstream soon!

Here's the concept:

and here he is in detail:

A lot of people talk about the potential to integrate knowledge on how to be sustainable into students learning.  It's again something that we used to do but was lost due to the reasons in the first video above.  Since this is a blog about education and sustainability I wanted to mention another resource given to us in this course which is a guide prepared by the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) to inspire actions for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-14) by illustrating innovation and practice in education with case studies, examples and interviews; its called Engaging People in Sustainability (I'll find the link sometime and add it in).  I didn't even know we are in this UN decade, but it doesn't surprise me, it sounds like something they'd do.  It was cool to see NZ mentioned for the Enviroschools initiative.  I was the first chairperson when it started up at my school St Peters in Cambridge :-)

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