
Monday, 19 March 2012

Johan Rockstrom - Planetary Boundaries

Let the environment guide our development is the name of Johan Rockstrom's 2010 TED talk.  He succinctly provides a very clear and visual description of the current situation we find ourselves in: firstly, by pointing out how comfortable our climate has been in the last 10,000 years of our development and then by outlining the major pressures we are putting on the planet (which have led to what some scientists are now describing as the 'anthropocene' - a new era where humans are the major driver of planetary system changes).  He then introduces the concept of 'thresholds' which could tip the planet into a new state and how scientists are trying to identify these so that we can move towards operating in a safe zone within them.  He is optimistic that the current crisis presents a great opportunity for humanity, if simultaneous collaboration can manage to 'bend the curves' of exponentially increasing trends that are leading us towards these thresholds within the next 10-40 years.  He is under no delusions about the fact that the biggest challenge will be achieving the shift in mindset required for this.

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