
Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Empathic Civilisation

The Empathic Civilisation talk explains the scientific discovery of mirror neurons which give us the capability to imagine what others might be feeling when they experience something (as if it was us that were experiencing it), i.e. the ability to empathise.  It seems that acquiring this skill was advantageous for us humans - social creatures that we are!  Evolution has made it possible and selected for this capability, but it is something that develops (as we develop our brain by learning about the world) during childhood.  People often wonder if humans are born good or bad, and whether they are shaped more by nature versus nurture; I believe the discussions are complex because its likely to be neutral and both.  My impression at this point (as a current non-parent) is that as long as a child's physiology (and therefore psychology) is sound (i.e. is not missing vital hormones or so on), and it is raised with calmness and love and gets to learn empathy towards our biosphere, you end up with quite a nice homo empathicus.  It is put forth in the video that "empathy in humans is what could save us".  On reflection, I'm sure my empathy is well developed, and thus I'm not surprised that I'm drawn to spending my time on helping us "evolve our empathy to extend to the entire human race and our evolutionary family".

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